Property Required REQUIRED Comments Example
BEES Grow BEES Force
vendorAccountIds array[string] true false false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The list of vendorAccountIds alphanumeric identifiers. 123456,654321
vendorDealId string true false false The Vendor Deal alphanumeric identifier. 123456
vendorPromotionId string true false false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The alphanumeric identifier vendorPromotionId for the current deal. PROMO_01
accumulationType string false false false The accumulation type for this deal, can be:
priority integer false false false The priority for this deal. 1
level integer false false false The level to define conflicting deal types. 1
budget bigDecimal false false false The total budget for this deal. It's a financial value with the max number of decimal places as 15. 1000
startDateTime string false false false The start date/time for this condition. 2020-01-01 00:00
endDateTime string false false false The end date/time for this condition. 2028-12-31 00:00
minimumQuantity integer true false false The minimum valid quantity among the items for this deal. 10
type string true false false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The discount type represents the way it's going to be calculated. It can be percent, cash or promotional price, can be: