Invoices Payload

  1. General Information


Property REQUIRED Comments Example
BEES Customer BEES Grow BEES Force BEES Partner string true The BEES invoice id string true The country of the invoice EC
acceptLanguage string false false false Used to determine the target content language of the Invoice en-CA
beesAccountId string false false false true Bees account identifier for the invoice. It is not mandatory, but vendor.accountId needs to be sent in case this field is not sent. 34521337000166
channel string true true false true Indicate the channel where the invoice is originated from. For example B2B_WEB, B2B_APP, OTHER, CX_TLP ( BEES GROW) B2B_WEB
customerInvoiceNumber string true true false User-friendly Invoice number known by the customer. Can be the same as from vendor.invoiceId. CINV_001
date string true true false true The Invoice placement date. 2022-05-27T15:48:00.000Z
invoicedDate string false false false true The real date that the invoice was created. 2022-05-27T15:48:00.000Z
deleted boolean false false false Indicate whether the invoice is deleted. If true, the invoice is not fetched by the API. false
deliveryCenterId string false false false The delivery center id link to this account(Known by the Zone/Vendor). 04563
deposit string false false false The invoice deposit 100.5
discount number true true false Total discount applied to the invoice. 20.5
dueDate string true true false The date that the invoice needs to be paid. 2030-05-27T15:30:00.000Z
fileAvailable boolean false false false Indicate whether invoice file is available false
itemsQuantity integer true true false Item's quantity for this invoice. 10
orderDate string false false false The date of the order related to this invoice. 2022-05-27T15:48:00.000Z
orderId string false false false true The order number for this invoice.
<= 255 characters
parentOrderNumber string false false false Parent order number. For referencing the original order in case of split orders. 3104626910
paymentTerm integer false false false The payment term (in days) that will be used. The possible values can be found in the ACCOUNT FINANCE tab. 10
paymentType string true true false The invoice payment type. The possible values can be found in the ACCOUNT FINANCE tab. CASH
poNumber string false false false Purchase Order number.
<= 255 characters
status string true true false true The invoice status.
Allowed values:
subtotal string true true false The invoice subtotal. 155.75
total number true true false The invoice total. 148.65
vendor object true true false Invoice vendor details.
vendor.accountId string false false false Vendor account Identifier. It is not mandatory, but beesAccountId needs to be sent in case this field is not sent.
<= 255 characters
vendor.invoiceId string true true false Vendor invoice Identifier.
<= 255 characters