AccountIdUsed to relate the account with the other services."11711064", "329790", "88667217000443"
NameUsed the be shown in the app as the POC name."Tapia Castillo", "Teodolinda"
TaxIdWorks as a password to relate the account to the user."10258205273", "100.211.004"
DeliveryCenterIdResponsible to relate to the assortment and inventory to its account."0129", "AV06", "BK03"
DeliveryScheduleIdUsed to link an account to its delivery window configuration."022129", "0011711064"
PaymentMethodsUsed to define the available methods of payment (Credit, Cash...)."CASH", "CREDIT"
MinimumOrderUsed to define the related configuration for orders for given account."type":"PRODUCT_QUANTITY",

"value": 3

SalesRepresentativeUsed to be shown in the screen the contact to support with sales."email": "01800052655",

"name":"b2b contact",


DeliveryAddressAddress available for the account to receive its purchased items."address":"R ANGELINA, 20",

"city":"CAXIAS DO SUL",





Status(must be active for the account to be considered as a valid account)."BLOCKED", "ACTIVE"