Property Required BEES Force Required Comments Example
vendorAccountIds array[string] true false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
One or more account IDs can be sent at once on this field. If the combo will be set to multiple accounts, all accounts related to this combo can be included here, with no need to send the same combo many times only to associate to numerous accounts. 34521337000166, 02342525300, 87575758400
vendorComboId string true false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The id of the combo. DM-37936
title string true false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The combo title. Test
type string true false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The combo type where D stands for Discount, FG stands for Free Good, DT stands for Digital Trade and DT3P stands for Digital Trade 3P. D
description string true false The combo description, with mode details on the deal. Na compra de um produto vocĂȘ ganha outro neste combo.
startDate string true false The combo activation date. It should be in UTC timezone. 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
endDate string true false The combo deactivation date. Needs to be after the startDate. It should be in UTC timezone. 2045-02-28T00:00:00Z
externalId string false false The identifier of the combo specific to certain zones. COMBO-001
vendorItemId string true false Item id, same SKU. VENDOR_SKU_001
sku string true false The item sku. VENDOR_SKU_001
price number true false The item price for the combo. 88.96
quantity integer(int32) true false The item quantity. 10
freeGoods false false The free goods of the combo. null
daily integer(int32) false false The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a day. 20
monthly integer(int32) false false The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a month. 200
originalPrice number true false The total price of the combo, not including discounts nor taxes. 98.85
price number true false The total price of the combo, including discounts and not including taxes. 88.96
discountPercentOff number(float) false false The amount of discount in percent value. 10
score number false false The score of the combo to be ranked. 63

  1. Interactive

    The set of products is optional, the user can choose the products required.