Property REQUIRED Comments Example
BEES Customer BEES Grow BEES Force
id string true true false
Required for feature Order Taking.
An unique identifier of this delivery window. Cannot be duplicated deliveryWindowId. The ID is saved in the database as a key composed of vendorDeliveryWindowId that comes from the Id sent in the payload and vendorId that is received through the JWT. 0056373520101
deliveryScheduleId string true true false
Required for feature Order Taking.
Link to accounts, an identifier to let middleware know to which accounts this delivery window belongs, by matching this field to account schedule id. Id that connects the delivery windows to the POC. It is stored in both the account and delivery window collection. 0011711064
deliveryDate string true true false
Required for feature Delivery Window and Order Taking.
The date this delivery window is created for. 2023-03-11
expirationDate string true true false
Required for feature Order Taking.
Expiration date is the date that the delivery window expires for the user. From this day and time the user will no longer see the date as an available date. 2023-03-10T23:59:59Z
type string true false
Required for feature Delivery Window and Order Taking.
A type of the delivery window.Today we support 3 different delivery window types.
Allowed values: REGULAR, FLEX, EXPRESS