Rules by field
Rule: The x-timestamp information - It should be in UTC timezone. ISO 8601
identifiers: beesAccountId
Rule: Unique identifier. Is not allowed changing the beesAccountId of an invoice already created.
identifiers: accountId
Rule: Unique identifier. Is not allowed changing the accountId of an invoice already created.
identifiers: invoiceId
Rule: At least beesAccountId or vendor.invoiceId must be sent.
Rule: If filled in, it has to be a valid value. More details about the locale on Java 11 Supported Locales
Rule: Is discarded any update that comes with a timestamp less than or equal to the updatedDate that exists in the database.
How it can be used: Go to ITENS tab.
How it can be used: Go to CHARGES tab.
orderId and total
Rule: When the total passed is equal to 0 and the orderId passed is different from what exists in the bank, the invoice is not updated.
Rule: TaxAmount and TaxId are required.