Property Required REQUIRED Comments Example
BEES Grow BEES Force
vendorAccountIds array[string] true false false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The list of vendorAccountIds alphanumeric identifiers. 4567123
vendorDealId string true false false The Vendor Deal alphanumeric identifier. Deal-1
vendorPromotionId string true false false The alphanumeric identifier vendorPromotionId for the current deal. 542772A
accumulationType string false false false The accumulation type for this deal, can be:
priority integer false false false The priority for this deal. 1
budget bigDecimal false false false The total budget for this deal. It's a financial value with the max number of decimal places as 15. 1000
quantityLimit integer false false false This field is related to quantity limit used by enforcement service. 100
availability integer false false false The availability quantity for this deal. 100
paymentMethod string false false false The payment method condition for the current deal. CASH
minimumQuantity integer true false false The minimum valid quantity among the items for this deal. 10
sharedMinimumQuantity boolean true false false Indicates if this deal considers all items to reach minimum quantity. true
crossDiscount boolean true false false This field indicates if this deal is a cross discount. true
from integer true false false The minimum amount of purchase for this range. 1
to integer false false false The maximum amount of purchase for this range. 10
type string true false false
Required for feature: Order Taking.
The discount type represents the way it's going to be calculated. It can be percent, cash or promotional price, can be:
fixed boolean true false false Defines the total discount regardless of the quantity of items. true
value bigDecimal true false false The discount value for this deal. Its application depends on the type and it's a financial value with the max number of decimal places as 15. 12