Product Assortment (PA) service tells all SKUs that a POC can buy.
In order to know all the products available for a POC to buy, we need to consider:
Distribution center (normally, a POC is served by one distribution center)
POC's business model
All exclusion occurs by the zone side and the user can see only available products that should be visible for his/her account.
The Product Assortment a user is set considering the complete Distribution Center Assortment that the POC is associated, minus the exclusions set per POC.
For example:
POC 1 can buy "Pastilha GAROTO Hortelã 17g", but POC 2 can't.
As we can see in the picture below.
Product Assortment
"deliveryCenterIds": [
"vendorItemIds": [
Item Attribute
"itemAttribute": {
// only for nestlé brasil
"quantityMultiplier": 5,