"vendorPromotionId": "vendorPromotionId", // Unique identifier for the promotion
"title": "title", // Title of promotion
"description": "Barefoot Carbernet Sauvignon 750ml", // Description of promotion
"startDate": "2021-01-01T14:15:22Z", // Promotion activation date
"endDate": "2030-12-31T14:15:22Z", // Promotion deactivation date
"image": "http://example.com", // Image of promotion
"budget": 10, // The promotion budget
"quantityLimit": 150 // The promotion quantity limit
"vendorAccountIds": [
], // The list of vendorAccountIds alphanumeric identifiers
"deals": [
"vendorDealId": "vendorDealId", // The Vendor Deal alphanumeric identifier
"vendorPromotionId": "vendorPromotionId", // The alphanumeric identifier vendorPromotionId for the current deal
"accumulationType": null, // The accumulation type for this deal, can be: ADD,COMPOSE,UNIQUE,HIGH,LOW
"priority": 1, // The priority for this deal
"budget": 1000, // The total budget for this deal. It's a financial value with the max number of decimal places as 15
"quantityLimit": 100, // This field is related to quantity limit used by enforcement service.
"availability": 100, // The availability quantity for this deal.
"conditions": {
"simulationDateTime": {
"startDateTime": "2020-01-01 00:00", // The start date/time for this condition.
"endDateTime": "2028-12-31 00:00" // The end date/time for this condition.
"lineItem": {
"vendorItemIds": [
"minimumQuantity": "10", // The minimum valid quantity among the items for this deal
"sharedMinimumQuantity": true, // Indicates if this deal considers all items to reach minimum quantity
"crossDiscount": true // This field indicates if this deal is a cross discount
"output": {
"lineItemDiscount": {
"vendorItemIds": [
"type": "$", // The discount type represents the way it's going to be calculated. It can be percent, cash or promotio
"discount": "10", // The discount value for this deal. Its application depends on the type and it is a financial valu
e with the max number of decimal places as 15
"fixed": true // Defines the total discount regardless of the quantity of items.
"vendorPromotionId": "vendorPromotionId", // Unique identifier for the promotion
"title": "title", // Title of promotion
"description": "Barefoot Carbernet Sauvignon 750ml", // Description of promotion
"startDate": "2021-01-01T14:15:22Z", // Promotion activation date.
"endDate": "2030-12-31T14:15:22Z", // Promotion deactivation date.
"image": "http://example.com", // Image of promotion
"budget": 10, // The promotion budget.
"quantityLimit": 150 // The promotion quantity limit.
"vendorAccountIds": [
], // The list of vendorAccountIds alphanumeric identifiers.
"deals": [
"vendorDealId": "vendorDealId", // The Vendor Deal alphanumeric identifier.
"vendorPromotionId": "vendorPromotionId", // The alphanumeric identifier vendorPromotionId for the current deal.
"accumulationType": null, // The accumulation type for this deal, can be: ADD,COMPOSE,UNIQUE,HIGH,LOW.
"priority": 1, // The priority for this deal.
"budget": 1000, // The total budget for this deal. It's a financial value with the max number of decimal places as 15.
"quantityLimit": 100, // This field is related to quantity limit used by enforcement service.
"availability": 100, // The availability quantity for this deal.
"conditions": {
"paymentMethod": "CASH", // The payment method condition for the current deal.
"lineItem": {
"vendorItemIds": [
"minimumQuantity": 1, // The minimum valid quantity among the items for this deal.
"sharedMinimumQuantity": false, // Indicates if this deal considers all items to reach minimum quantity.
"crossDiscount": false // This field indicates if this deal is a cross discount.
"output": {
"lineItemScaledDiscount": {
"vendorItemIds": [
"ranges": [
"from": 1, // The minimum amount of purchase for this range.
"to": 10, // The maximum amount of purchase for this range.
"type": "%", // The discount type represents the way it's going to be calculated. It can be percent, cash or prom
otional price, can be: PERCENT_OFF,$,%,AMOUNT_OFF,PROMOTIONAL_PRICE,@.
"fixed": true, // Defines the total discount regardless of the quantity of items.
"value": 10 // The discount value for this deal. Its application depends on the type and it is a financial value
with the max number of decimal places as 15.
"from": 11, // The minimum amount of purchase for this range.
"to": 20, // The maximum amount of purchase for this rangeThe maximum amount of purchase for this range.
"type": "%", // The discount type represents the way it's going to be calculated. It can be percent, cash or prom
otional price, can be: PERCENT_OFF,$,%,AMOUNT_OFF,PROMOTIONAL_PRICE,@.
"fixed": true, // Defines the total discount regardless of the quantity of items.
"value": 12 // The discount value for this deal. Its application depends on the type and it is a financial value
with the max number of decimal places as 15.
"vendorAccountIds": [
"vendorAccountIds" // One or more account IDs can be sent at once on this field. If the combo will be set to multiple accou
nts, all accounts related to this combo can be included here, with no need to send the same combo man
y times only to associate to numerous accounts.
"combos": [
"vendorComboId": "vendorComboId", // The id of the combo.
"title": "title", // The combo title.
"type": "D", // The combo type where D stands for Discount, FG stands for Free Good, DT stands for Digital Trade and DT3P
stands for Digital Trade 3P.
"description": "Na compra de um produto voce ganha outro neste combo", // The combo description, with mode details on the
"startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", // The combo activation date. It should be in UTC timezone.
"endDate": "2045-02-28T00:00:00Z", // The combo deactivation date. Needs to be after the startDate. It should be in UTC t
"externalId": "externalId", // The identifier of the combo specific to certain zones.
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // Item id, same SKU.
"sku": "sku", // SKU
"price": 88.96, // The item price for the combo.
"quantity": 10 // The item quantity.
"freeGoods": null, // The free goods of the combo.
"limit": {
"daily": 200, // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a day.
"monthly": 200 // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a month.
"originalPrice": 98.85, // The total price of the combo, not including discounts nor taxes.
"price": 88.96, // The total price of the combo, including discounts and not including taxes.
"discountPercentOff": 10, // The amount of discount in percent value.
"score": 63 // The score of the combo to be ranked.
"vendorAccountIds": [
], // One or more account IDs can be sent at once on this field. If the combo will be set to multiple accounts, all accounts
related to this combo can be included here, with no need to send the same combo many times only to associate to
numerous accounts.
"combos": [
"vendorComboId": "vendorComboId", //The id of the combo.
"title": "title", // The combo title.
"type": "FG", //The combo type where D stands for Discount, FG stands for Free Good, DT stands for Digital Trade and DT3P
stands for Digital Trade 3P.
"description": "Na compra de um produto voce ganha outro neste combo", // The combo description, with mode details on the
"startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", //The combo activation date. It should be in UTC timezone.
"endDate": "2045-02-28T00:00:00Z", // // The combo deactivation date. Needs to be after the startDate. It should be in
UTC timezone.
"externalId": "externalId", // The identifier of the combo specific to certain zones.
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // Item id, same SKU.
"quantity": 100, // The item quantity.
"price": 60.0 // The item price for the combo.
"freeGoods": [
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // Item id, same SKU.
"vendorComboItemId": "vendorComboItemId",// vendorComboItemId
"measureUnit": "Bottle", // The unit of measurement of the free good item.
"basePrice": 60.0, // The price that would be paid if this was not a free good.
"returnable": "false" // false Indicates if the free good item is returnable.
"quantity": 100 // quantity
"limit": {
"daily": 200, // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a day.
"monthly": 200 // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a month.
"originalPrice": 60.0, // The total price of the combo, not including discounts nor taxes.
"price": 60.0, // The total price of the combo, including discounts and not including taxes.
"score": 28 // The score of the combo to be ranked.
"vendorAccountIds": [
"vendorAccountIds" // One or more account IDs can be sent at once on this field. If the combo will be set to multiple accounts, all accounts related to this combo can be included here, with no need to send the same combo many times only to associate to numerous accounts.
"combos": [
"vendorComboId": "vendorComboId", // The id of the combo.
"title": "title", // The combo title.
"type": "D", // The combo type where D stands for Discount, FG stands for Free Good, DT stands for Digital Trade and DT3P stands for Digital Trade 3P.
"description": "Na compra de um produto voce ganha outro neste combo", // The combo description, with mode details on the deal.
"startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", // The combo activation date. It should be in UTC timezone.
"endDate": "2045-02-28T00:00:00Z", // The combo deactivation date. Needs to be after the startDate. It should be in UTC timezone.
"externalId": "externalId", // The identifier of the combo specific to certain zones.
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // Item id, same SKU.
"sku": "sku", // SKU
"price": 88.96, // The item price for the combo.
"quantity": 10 // The item quantity.
"freeGoods": null, // The free goods of the combo.
"limit": {
"daily": 200, // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a day.
"monthly": 200 // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a month.
"originalPrice": 98.85, // The total price of the combo, not including discounts nor taxes.
"price": 88.96, // The total price of the combo, including discounts and not including taxes.
"discountPercentOff": 10, // The amount of discount in percent value.
"score": 63 // The score of the combo to be ranked.
"id": "id", // The unique identifier.
"promotionId": "promotionId", // The unique identifier for the promotion.
"budget": 0, //The promotion budget.
"description": "Buy 10, get 12 - Buy 12, get 16” or discounts \"10% off for all beers\".", // The complete description for
the promotion, it describes
the promotion itself and how
the promotion works.
"endDate": "2050-03-31T23:59:59.999Z", // The promotion end date. It should be in UTC timezone.
(Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ)
"image": "https://www.socioscerveceria.com.do/media/catalog/product//b/a/barcelo_dark_series_350_ml_-_unidad_1_botella_dar_siri_.png", // Image used as a background for the promotion.
"quantityLimit": 0, // The promotion quantity limit.
"startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // The promotion start date. It should be in UTC timezone.
(Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ)
"title": "Great discount on Becks!", // The promotion title. The label displayed on the promotion list.
"type": "FLEXIBLE_DISCOUNT" // The promotion type.
"vendorAccountIds": [
], // The list of vendorAccountIds alphanumeric identifiers
"deals": [
"vendorDealId": "vendorDealId", // The Vendor Deal alphanumeric identifier
"vendorPromotionId": "vendorPromotionId", // The alphanumeric identifier vendorPromotionId for the current deal
"accumulationType": "ADD", // The accumulation type for this deal, can be: ADD,COMPOSE,UNIQUE,HIGH,LOW
"priority": 1, // The priority for this deal
"level": 0, // The level to define conflicting deal types
"conditions": {
"paymentMethod": "CASH", //The payment method condition for the current deal
"simulationDateTime": {
"startDateTime": "2021-01-01 00:00", //The start date time for this condition
"endDateTime": "2028-12-31 00:00"
}, // The end date time for this condition
"deliveryDate": [
"startDate": "2021-01-01", // The validity start date for this deal
"endDate": "2028-12-31" // The validity end date for this deal
"multipleLineItem": {
"items": [
"vendorItemIds": [
], // The list of alphanumeric identifiers vendorItemIds that allow this discount
"minimumQuantity": 5 //The minimum valid quantity for among the items for this deal
"output": {
"multipleLineItemDiscount": {
"type": "PERCENT_OFF", // The item discount type
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // The alphanumeric identifier vendorItemId
"value": "120.98", // Individual vendorItemId discount as amount. It is a financial value with the max number of
decimal places as 15
"maxQuantity": "8" // The maximum quantity allowed for each vendorItemId
"vendorAccountIds": [
], // One or more account IDs can be sent at once on this field. If the combo will be set to multiple accounts, all accounts
related to this combo can be included here, with no need to send the same combo many times only to associate to
numerous accounts.
"combos": [
"vendorComboId": "vendorComboId", // The id of the combo.
"title": "title", // The combo title.
"type": "FG", //The combo type where D stands for Discount, FG stands for Free Good, DT stands for Digital Trade and DT3P
stands for Digital Trade 3P.
"description": "Na compra de um produto voce ganha outro neste combo", // The combo description, with mode details on the deal.
"startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", //The combo activation date. It should be in UTC timezone.
"endDate": "2045-02-28T00:00:00Z", //The combo deactivation date. Needs to be after the startDate. It should be in UTC
"externalId": "externalId", // The identifier of the combo specific to certain zones.
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // Item id, same SKU.
"quantity": 100, // The item quantity.
"price": 60.0 // The item price for the combo.
"freeGoods": [
"items": [
"vendorItemId": "vendorItemId", // Item id, same SKU.
"vendorComboItemId": "vendorComboItemId", // vendorComboItemId
"measureUnit": "Bottle", // The unit of measurement of the free good item.
"basePrice": 60.0, // The price that would be paid if this was not a free good.
"returnable": "false" // false Indicates if the free good item is returnable.
"quantity": 100 // quantity
"limit": {
"daily": 200, // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a day.
"monthly": 200 // The maximum consumption amount of a combo available in a month.
"originalPrice": 60.0, // The total price of the combo, not including discounts nor taxes.
"price": 60.0, // The total price of the combo, including discounts and not including taxes.
"score": 28 // The score of the combo to be ranked.